Picture it: Numerous sets of banged up knees running chaotically through a field of grass, the object of their one-track minded goal bouncing back and forth from ankle to ankle. The buzz of excitement over any potential contact with said object is palpable to those watching this familiar dance. And then picture this: On the […]
It’s a NEW Soccer Season People!
Alittle while back I posted (in shame) about Avery’s last soccer season. You can see that here. To recap quickly: her shoes were too small and it all ended horribly. So when Avery told us that she wanted to play soccer this fall season, needless to say, we were very apprehensive. We weighed the pros […]
My Little Soccer Chick
So, Avery has decided she wants to play soccer this season. Oh my. Let me explain to you how her last soccer season went and you’ll understand why this perplexes me. The season started with her first practice. Of course there was the initial “where the heck do I go” moment. She was 5 years […]