Well, hello friends!! So, it’s been a minute. Actually, like 67,890,000 of them. Don’t do the math, I made that up. But you get my point.
Since we all have collectively been kicked in the ass this year I thought I would jump on the blog and say a few things about it. As I was shuffling through my memory rolodex I found it hard to remember a whole lot BC…before-Covid.
I know I’m not alone in this. The world-at-large shut down and life abruptly changed. That’s going to take a mental toll. And being that my mental game is usually running at about a 60/100 on a good day, I joined millions of others in saying, “What the actual fuck, 2020?” (Edited to add: I don’t usually cuss on my blog, but, 2020…amiright?)
We’re dealing with a nightmare straight out of a Science Fiction novel, giving every ambient cough and sniffle the major side-eye, learning how to keep up a PHAT lipstick game while wearing masks, becoming TEACHERS?!? (I’m sorry, I promised to raise these people to be decent humans…not SMART, decent humans.)
In my own neck of the woods, on top of the Covid crisis, we dealt with unprecedented forest fires that burned down homes and towns and delayed our start of school even further. My place of work, our school building, turned into fire headquarters and our community watched an unbelievable effort being made to save homes, property and lives.
The Theme of the Year has been: SCARY
It’s been a whirlwind of a year. We’ve had pandemics. We’ve had distance learning. We’ve had protests. We’ve had forest fires. We’ve had elections. We’ve had vodka. A whole lot of it.
And yet, here we are. I’m writing this and you’re reading this. That, my friends, is called ‘surviving’. And that has been no easy feat.
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