It is not often that nature inspires me. I’m not reallyone of those types that spends time out of doors reveling in its beauty, awe-inspired by its mysticism. I mean, I like a good waterfall or field of daisies just like the next gal, but it doesn’t reach me like some of the more spiritually evolved folks.
My husband on the other hand? That dude likes him some nature. In fact, his love for all things outdoors garnered him the all-appropriate title “Nature Boy” years ago. And it fits. He camps, he hikes, he fishes, he hunts. If it belongs outdoors, he participates in it. Funny that he married someone who would much rather revel in the beauty of a well-heated home.
Recently, Jer got a call from his good friend about some pretty astonishing ice structures forming in the hills above our neighborhood. Never one to turn down an astonishing ice structure (or amazing sand formation, majestic mountain or breathtaking tributary for that matter) Jer rushed over there, camera in tote, to capture the moment.
Most of the time when Jer returns home from one of his picture-taking expeditions I humor him, complimenting his prowess as he clicks through his memory card, picture by picture. Before you get all preachy on me about being a more supportive spouse, let me put this into some perspective for you. A few years ago Jer went on a four-wheeling trip to Moab, Utah. Beautiful place. Jer took 5000 pictures. Do you savvy, folks? That means he clicked his camera 5000 times. And he wanted me to look through each and every shot. Not likely. Now,would you like to know how many pictures he took at Thanksgiving? Ten. Would you like to know why? Because there were no trees at the dining room table.
So, normally, as I said, I humor him. But this time? I must say I was actually intrigued. Our winter weather has primarily consisted of frosty mornings with most of itmelting off about midwaythrough the day. Apparently, it’s not melting everywhere. Ihad no idea that just a hundred or so feet above my house this beautiful situation was happening.
I’ve never seen anything like this. As frost was forming, wind was blowing it into these frozen columns attached to the most delicate of branches. There were fields of these frozen “flowers”, each one different than the next. A breathtakingly beautiful sight.
So, now, I guess you could say I’m a bit of a “nature girl.” Well, as much of a “nature girl” that I’ll probably ever be. I really don’t see myself rappelling down any cliffs or traversing across any mountains in the near future. But, sometimes the beauty and majesty of the outdoor world around us just cannot be ignored.
This was one of those moments.
christina says
We can all find something in nature to appreciate. Look what you found! I love to be outside and enjoy nature HOWEVER I prefer to eat,poop,shower and sleep indoors.
Mindy says
Ditto that, Christina. =)
Tinkerschnitzel says
Those photos are amazing! I’m a nature girl myself and have finally gotten the hubby there.
Mindy says
I’ll tell Jer you liked them! Jer is still holding hope that I will someday surprise him and embrace nature with the zest and zeal that he has. Don’t see it happening. =)
Shelli says
Great shots!! Jer should enter them in some sort of contest, especially the 2nd and 3rd pics! WOW!
So, did you actually venture outside to see it with your own eyes? Forgive me if I’m totally stupid, but where in the country do you live that there’s ice formations like that? It’s brutally cold here in PA, and we don’t have anything that pretty here. *pout*
Mindy says
Thanks for the compliments! I’ll let Jer know! And, no. I didn’t venture out and see them myself but now I kind of wish I had. We live in the Pacific Northwest so get a lot of cold and wind, but no snow. But, pretty, yes. Fun? Not so much.
Angelia (Texas) says
Wow, gorgeous! What a wonderfully chilling post. 🙂
Jer definitely has talent. Nature is something. It’s rare we see ice like that form here.
Spot says
The pics are amazing!! I too, married a “nature boy” but over 20 years I have come to be “nature girl” as well. And we have had many fantastic family moments outside. Glad to see you’re turning to our side…besides, the more you hike, the more dessert you can eat. I love that part!! Lol!
Valerie says
When Jody told me he founds some amazing ice formations I kinda blew him off. I guess he was right, what a beautiful site!!! Maybe next time I should pay attention to him. Yeah probably not. Love, Val
Marly says
Wow, what great shots. I like the last one the best. You should frame that one!
Wendy says
Great pictures! We just got back from Christmas in Montana, the temp ranged from a -17 to a high of about 14, woohoo 🙂 I am sure there was some amazing ice pictures there too, but was waaayyyy too cold to get out and take any pictures, haha.
Heather says
That was just amazingly odd and gergeous at the same time. Loved it.
I like nature but not enough to go outside in this weather!