Well, all-in-all, I’d call Halloween a resounding success! Everything came together exactly as planned, costumes were on, makeup stayed put, tantrums weren’t thrown and dishes were prepared. I’d call that a “good day” in my book.
A few years ago, my sister-in-law Sara started, what quickly became tradition, serving soup on Halloween night and everyone else supplies appetizers, breads and desserts. We live in the same neighborhood so we use Sara’ s house as “base” where we hand out candy and the kids can come and go.
After a hearty meal (for some reason, soup does not register on my radar as satisfying…therefore I eat a ton of it…well that and caramel corn) we set out and began the begging for free candy.In our area wehave one of three types of Halloween…rain, cold, rainy/cold. The kids usually come home from trick-or-treating bedraggled and beaten, their costumes wet and sopping, makeup dripping down their faces, a very becoming hue of blue tinging their sweet little lips. But this year? It didn’t rain until thevery end and it was only slightly cold. The kids’ lips retained their original color! Hugely successful!
And the costumes…easy, cheap and doable.
Avery decided to be a ballerina this year and I must say she was quite a beauty! She wore this tutu for a dance recital last year while she was enrolled in ballet class *waste of money* and we decided to retire the tutu from “too pretty to play in” status to “what the hell – I have nothing else for her to wear” status. And I’d say it worked quite well!
And my little man…oh my little man. He was Batman and boy did he work the costume and the ‘tude. I made the bat ears by attaching two pieces of cut felt to a headband and fashioned his mask by cutting peeper holes intoone of my sleep masks. (Which, by the way, I don’t get. Maybe I thrash around too much or something but I CANNOT keep the danged thing on my face. I have woken up with that thing around my neck, tangled in my hair, on the floor underneathmy bed,and one time I found itwrapped around my bed lamp. Hmm.) So, anyway, the sleeping mask morphed into a super-hero mask magically. I bought a Batman symbol iron-on from Ebay and attached it to a thermal underwear shirt. Jack wore the bottoms underneath a brand spankin’ new pair of black briefs. He stepped into some black rubber boots, slipped on his (borrowed from my sister) cape and his transformation was complete! Loved it, loved him and loved him in it!
Trick-or-treating was hilarious because once he caught on to the concept, it was all systems ago. After every house he would quickly say, “Time to go to the next house!” in a sing-songy little voice and would practically skip down the sidewalk. Well,skipping as much as is possible in a pair of rubber boots that are 3 sizes too big. (Hey, it’s allwe had…don’t judge. They will fit him perfectly fine when he’s 5. In 2 years. Whatever.) He wanted candy, candy and more candy and even remembered to say ‘Thank you” in between shoving milkduds into his mouth.
Which leads me to the purpose behind the title of this post…who in the heck came up with the idea to organize a holiday in which we unleash our kids onto the neighborhood with bags outstretched and the expectation that they will receive not only candy…but good candy? And then they come home, candy is quickly checked (and this year, swiped with antiseptic wipes) and then they promptly dig in to this sugar-laden smorgasbordin an all-out gorge fest after which we parents are forced to wean them from their glucose dependancy and suffer through repeated requests for “more candy.” Jack’s been in time-0ut about 300 times today due to his inability to stop himself from sneaking various candy (and, yes, I have put his little bucket away) and then hiding himself from parental eyes while he quickly stuffs the evidence in his mouth.
So, all that being said, we had a wonderful Halloween andjoyfulprecipice to the forthcoming holiday season! But, God, I’m glad it’s over!
P.S. I’m eating their candy as I type. Damn this holiday!
Love to all, Mindy
Mindee@ourfrontdoor says
1) Your kids look adorable.
2) I wondered nearly exactly the same thing. It is a screwed up holiday. But fun!
Mindy says
1) Thank you!
2) As hard as it is with the kids, I have nothing but love for Halloween! It’s kind of the one night we can just let our kids indulge all their fantasies! =)
Spot says
The kids were too cute. The holiday didn’t start out in a sugar binge fest you know. That’s pretty much the modern day take on it. And I’m pretty sure that the idea was sponsored by nestle, hershey & all the other candy companys in some kind of insane plot to take over the world. But since candy is soooo yummy, I’m just gonna go along with it.
Mindy says
Aw, thanks! And I think you might be onto something here…between Valentine’s, Easter, Halloween and Christmas I think those candy companies have about succeeded in their plot! And, yes, my frustrations have not kept me from buying Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins. =)
Heather says
Those costumes were great! Recycle and low budget, make people come up with great ideas. The batman costume, at first glance I would have never guessed it wasn’t store bought. Good job.
I loved Halloween when I was a kid, but now the thought of giving all those kids all that sugar makes me cringe.
Mindy says
Thank you for the compliments! I am NOT the most crafty person in the world so I was pretty darn proud of myself after it was all said and done. Yes, the candy is kind of scary but I’m one of those mean moms that makes the candy last until about April. =)
BTW…Thanks for the comment! I really appreciate it!
Angelia Sims says
I so bravely manned the door at Jason’s house with a HUGE bowl of candy and my faithful dog Salem wearing a Pumpkin outfit. We had ONE set of trick or treaters. I had a jillion and one Kit Kats. Ahhh!
Your kids look GREAT! The batman costume looks way better than the ones you buy! Avery IS a beautiful ballerina! Precious!
Mindy says
Ah, thank you Angelia! And, way to go, braving that ONE trick-or-treater. =) Luckily, we had about 200 which wiped out our entire candy stash…that is until we got home and I realized I now had to contend with two full trick-or-treat bags. It taunts me throughout the day…I’ve put up a valiant fight but it’s winning. God. =)
Tinkerschnitzel says
Oh, yes, the day after Halloween is always a fight. I love Halloween, though, and take the chance to dress up, just because I can. My 5 year old didn’t put much thought into his costume this year, and I cringed at having to pay$20 for a GI Joe costume that you couldn’t even tell what it was. Next year I will do my best to make him something. BTW, I confinscated the bucket of candy Halloween night, took out my favorites, and I now dole out candy by about one piece a day.
Mindy says
I’m a VERY cheap Halloween costume person. I blow money like a Rockefeller on the most ridiculous of things but can’t bring myself to do it on costumes. And I have also locked down the candy bucket…strategically placed where I can snag a piece without the kids even knowing it! =)