Amidst the numerous advantages to having Avery back in school is one that kind of crept up on me a bit. I was so focused on the fact that Jack was starting two day per-week preschool this year that I hadn’t really given much thought to the other three days he would be home with me alone. As this first full school week comes to an end I thought I would take a moment to reflect on what I’ve learned from spending approximately 83 hours with my 3 year-old while his sister whiles the day away in blissful academia.
Jack has opinions. Lots of them. I’m uncertain as to where he picked up this trait as I’m more of the ‘wilting flower’ type who prefers to keep my thoughts to myself. <snort>. But, nevertheless, he is who he is and it’s been a kick in the pants getting a chance to focus on my little man and truly listen to what I have accurately dubbed his “Jackisms.”
1) So, Jack watches a little television. Not much. He truly doesn’t have the mental focus to sit through an entire program but he loves the commercial breaks and pays close attention to whatever the peddlers are hawking. Jack has a running gift list in his brain at all times. Earlier this week he informed me:
“Avery want’s those Lollaloopsy dolls. You can collect them all.”
I’m seeing a budding advertising career in this dude’s future. He loves him a good tagline.
2) Jack is potty-trained but still has to wear a pull-up (which is really just an uber-expensive diaper with stitched up velcro closures…wishing I had thought of it first) when he sleeps. And, on occasion, Jack takes his daily ‘movement’ while napping. Lucky me. When I asked him why he keeps messing his pull-up he said:
“I can’t help it. My buns just does it all by itself.”
3) I keep our ‘crafty’ kind of stuff in the coat closet and until recently Jack could have cared less about what was in there. He’s typically a Tonka truck kind of kid but I think preschool has unleashed the creative side of him. While doing laundry this week I happened upon him with a glue bottle in one hand and a box of tissues in the other. I asked him what he thought he was doing with the forbidden glue and he answered:
“It’s okay for me to play with glue mommy. My teacher says so.”
4) Jack’s been infatuated with paper airplanes lately. At every opportunity he has his dad whip one out for him. He has also attempted to have me construct one as well. Folks. I can’t do it. I honestly feel there are certain things some people are incapable of doing. For me? That would be paper airplanes and Legos. It’s ridiculous actually. My paper airplanes end up looking like, well, an 8 1/2 x 11 in. piece of paper folded in half. And a big long rectangle doesn’t fly. Trust me. I’ve tried it. Jack was begging me to make him an airplane, and after about forty-seven attempts at folding the paper I had to give up. Jack said:
“How come you can’t make paper airplanes? You been to Mexico on one.”
Sorry, son. In between Xanax’s I should have been studying and committing to memory the specs of the 737 jet.
So, as you can see, it’s been a busy week around this suburban household. Jack certainly keeps me on my toes and gives me a good laugh about fifty times a day (in between occasionalfits of fury and astonishment at various wrongdoings.) I’m looking forward to experiencing the rest of this school year with him. As to what else this kid will come up with, I’m quite sure I’m only limited to my imagination.
Happy Friday!
Jack reminds me so much of my Sean. You are in for it girl! But in a great way.
He’s so cute he almost makes me miss having a 3 year old.
Laughing here. “It’s ok for me to play with glue, mommy, teacher told me so.”
I was just following orders!
It’s the three year old Nuremburg Trials!
I think you should get a Lifetime show.
Yes, you should change the name of the blog to The Wilting Flower. LOL.
You are not the only one who can’t make paper planes! I try and try for the grandsons and it always ends up a fail.
Love the glue phrase! LOL!
Jack is a hoot and frankly I think his advice is very wise. I know I am listening.
The betraying buns that awaken at nap. Lol! He is a riot. Really makes me wish we had just one boy in our all girl house (besides Jason). 😀
Planes to Mexico? Rampant use of glue? Rebellious buns?
I would have to say this post has it all…
Oh, and I love the math story from your previous post too.
Jack is so entertaining! Love the crack about his buns…sorry I couldn’t resist the pun!
Jack is too hilarious. I think you could rename your blog, “Funny Things that Jack says.” There might be another site out there with a similar theme to this one, but yours is better!