The year was 1987 and the Summer weather was balmy. The sunny days were bright and my bangs were tall. “Tiger Beat” magazine and “Sweet Valley High” books littered my bedside table, adorned with half-used tubes of Bonne Belle lipgloss and Love’s Baby Soft perfume bottles. I was one Rave hairspray-using, blue eyeshadow-wearing, acid washed jeans-sporting preteen and it was good to be alive.
But what manages to leave the biggest impact to my retro flashback was the memory of my beautiful wall poster sporting a very becoming picture of my crush-of-the-moment, Johnny Depp circa 21 Jump Street. I distinctly remember his medium-wash denim jacket hugging his lean body and the come-hither look on his chiseled face. And I was in love. With a poster. And given the fact that the chances of me meeting Mr. Depp and him falling deeply in love with an 11 year-old girl were, let’s say nil to none, the poster was about as close as I would get to a real relationship with the young actor. But that particular Summer marked the beginning of my obsession with him and that wall poster supplied the material for many a daydream.
I never imagined that I would be experiencing this young love again, this time vicariously through the very innocent heart of my 8 year-old daughter, Avery. She has set her sights on someone, folks. The target: Justin Beiber, teenage superstar extraordinaire.
It began with a simple ‘Baby, Baby” iTunes download and then quickly progressed to (supervised) Google searches and the occasional magazine article. I will have to admit that it was a bit odd for me to witness her obsessive behavior at such a young age. Initially I thought she had unfortunately inherited her mother’s excessive hormones and started imagining many future nights of sitting guard outside her bedroom window but in talking to my fellow 2nd-grader moms I’m learning that this phenomenon is happening to all the girls. Justin Beiber has concocted some kind of magic love spell and Avery and all her buddies are smitten.
So now Avery’s walls are adorned with the adoring gaze of one Mr. Beiber and her daydreams undoubtedly star the young and handsome crooner. I’ve handed over the “crush” baton to my firstborn and I’m not entirely sure I’m ready for it.
It’s the dawn of a new age, my friends, and I envision many “but, I love him“s in my future.
Valerie says
Well I must say I think Avery has good taste! I think he is adorable- of course not in a creepy way or anything! he would totally be on my wall if I was younger!
Mindy says
I catch myself singing along to his music and he is one cutie-patootie. She’s got some taste…much like her mama! =)
Heather says
Not sure who this new guy is, but I was once there myself. Although I too find it odd for this crush to happen soo young. He must really be something!
My walls held the same poster as yours, naturally from TigerBeat mag! Along with a few other favs, like Scott Baio, Rick Springfield and of course John Stamos! Ahhh, to be young and in love with a poster…good times.
Mindy says
John Stamos! I totally forgot about my crush on him! I remember cutting pictures out of him and taping them to my school folder. I bet my teachers saw REAL promise in me, eh? =)
christina says
I never paid attention to Johnny Depp until I was older. Now that I have better sense I realize he must feel bad everyday that he didnt get to marry me. I was in love with all rock stars when I was a teen. I had big hair,(I was an aqua net girl) NEVER wore blue shadow and was in love with Bon Jovi. Oh, I had a pair of acid washed jeans too. With little bows on the bottom of the legs. I was sooooo awesome.
I hope JB stays nice for a while. Hopefully he wont shave his head and get caught on camera smoking a hooter with porn stars.
Mindy says
Oh…Bon Jovi. HUGE crush on that dude. It seemed like the bigger his hair got, the huger my crush! I was also a pretty big Richie Sambora fan. Something about that black Spanish-style hat he sported. =) And you made me spit my drink out with your last sentence!
Brandy says
I remember your Johnny Depp poster well – it was on the opposite side of the room of my David Hasselhoff one! I think that little girls begin testing the water at this age, and it’s our responsibility to guide them into appropriate behavior. I think you’re going after this in totally the right manner. Good job!
Mindy says
Oh, I remember the “Hoff” in his tiny red shorts. Remember my poster with the boys adorning the convertible car? Oh, those were the good ol’ days. =)
Tinkerschnitzel says
My posters were closer to Jonathan Brandis and Jonathan Taylor Thomas, but let me tell you, I am sooo glad I have boys. I’ll let the hubby deal with it when the posters go from airplanes to girls with very few clothes on.
Mindy says
Ahh…a JTT fan, eh? He was a teensy bit young for me but he had that bleach-tipped hair going on so I get it. =) And I know what you mean with the boys. I’ve already noticed my little Jack taking second glances at my Fitness magazines. Blech. =)
Spot says
It is the best of times…it is the worst of times…lol. The completely unattainable crush faze is so cute. And may I say she has good taste. That Justin Bieber is a little cutie. I mean, he’s no Johnny Depp…but…he’s okay. I have one girl and two boys that I’ve ushered through the teen years. Boys are soooo much easier.
Thanks for a blast from the past though. My bangs stood tall as well!
Mindy says
I think if our generation has contributed nothing else to society, we should at least have major props for our bangs. =)
Andi says
Strangely, my kids never mention him. They know who he is, and have both reported that they are considered weird for not knowing all of his songs…But they just really don’t seem to care. Weird.
And, I have missed you Mindy! I loved your climber post. I need to become at one with a gym too. I just need motivation. And time. And membership.
And to get the cellulite off my thighs already!!!
Mindy says
I’m trying to slowly make my way back in to writing again. You’d think I had some glamorous Jet-Set life with my long absence but unless you consider dirty socks and grass-stained khakis glamorous, you’d be mistaken. =)
Andi says
Oh, and I had that same poster, I swear!
Mindy says
Love! =)
Toya says
I just discovered your blog this morning after following your link you left on Pioneer Woman. I have really enjoyed reading it. You gave me a flashback to my Tiger Beat Days and my love for Michael Jackson. I will be adding your blog to my favorites. By the way, I have 2 little girls in my house in love with Justin Beiber. One is “too cool” to admit it. She is 8! My 11 year old is very in the open about her love for the Beibs. I think she is currently adorned in Beiber gear as we speak.
Mindy says
Hiya! Thanks so much for the comment! Didn’t you just love Tiger Beat and the pullout posters? =) And we can’t say anything in the house even remotely close to “Beiber” or else my daughter perks up and says, “Did you say ‘Beiber'”? It’s cute…and kind of disturbing. I’ll be checking your blog out!!
Christy says
I just found your blog and LOVE it!! This post took me back to my own preteen days in the 80’s and my HUGE Kirk Cameron poster on the ceiling of my room! Kirk was such a big deal in our house that my husband (who I have only known for 6 years) has heard numerous Kirk-obsession stories! Oh for the days of unashamed blue eyeshadow wearing! Adding you to my favorites right now!
Mindy says
Ah, thank you Christy! I’ve been a bit remiss in my posting lately but trying to find the time to get some writing done. I LOVED Kirk Cameron and was pretty sure he was about the perfect guy. Didn’t he just scream “Boyfriend material!”? I was actually a member of the official Kirk Cameron Fan Club which pretty much consisted of a signed picture postcard and the dream that he would go to prom with me. Come to think of it, I never did hear back from him on that. =)