1. He pees in the toilet.
2. He hunkers down into various corners of the house, alone,to take his daily BM.
3. He has recently started taking his own diaper off and wiping himself up if I don’t catch him first.
He shows all the signs of a little guy ready to be diaper-free.
Okay, I’m calm. I just needed a moment. I’m back.
This little boy of mine, all 3 years of him, is driving me to the brink of insanity. I’m about ready to cross over to the “other” side. The side where everything is rosy and marshmallow fluff. He does this to me. It’s like a little game with him. I’m one toe into the loony bin and then Jack will totally redeem himself by running and using the potty without one bit of pushing on my part. And I think to myself, “This is it! It’s clicked. He is TOTALLY going to get this” as Ihelp him pull up his underoos.
And then five minutes later I find him hiding behind the couch peeing into the vent. I know. Gross.
Exit: Normal Life. Enter: Crazyville.
What am I missing? I’m pretty sure Jack understands what’s happening here. He knows he goes potty on the toilet, he gets a prize. Shoot, there are some days where that kid runs back and forth to the toilet so often he forgets if he’s going in or coming back.
And then there are the other days. On those days, Jack conveniently forgets that we even own a toilet.
I am wholeheartedly trying to keep the faith. This kid WILL get potty trained. For good. It may take a little bit of pushing and prodding, continued purchasing of Size 5 Huggies and extra laundry loads of little man underwear but WE WILL GET THIS THANG DONE.
I hope. I’m almost certain. Definitely. Maybe.
Love to all, Mindy
Wendy says
I feel for you 🙂 Hang in there,,,one of these days it will just click and it will be all done!
Mindy says
Ah, I hope so! He’s a strong-willed little man…wonder where he gets that? Hmm…
Christina says
Nah…I’m sure you’ll be the first one to end up with a 14-year-old who’d rather have his mom wipe his bum than use a toilet. Mom-bum-wiping is SOOOO cool. 😉
I just threaten mine with our dog…”If you don’t put underpants on, Maggie’s gonna lick your bum! Right between your cheeks!” That usually gets him going. Hee hee.
Mindy says
Oh, my God. That might work! He HATES our dog. =) God, that cracked me up! Thanks for the giggle.
Jessica says
It WILL happen…he’s just going about it his own special way… 🙂
Patience is a virtue…though I suck at it, so who am I to preach?
Mindy says
Yah, it’s special alright. Poop in my underpants so mom can clean it up. How special. Yay me. =) And, unless you couldn’t already tell…I have a teensy weensy problem with patience too. And poopy underwear.
the Provident Woman says
I don’t look forward to potty training my little man, that’s for sure.
Mindy says
It is certainly a test…to see how crazy we can actually get and still be a fully functional human being. Good luck with yours! And thank you so much for stopping by and commenting!
Spot says
My stubborn youngest son potty trained in one day, the week before his 3rd bday (no, I’m not a miracle worker, I just got lucky). Here’s how it went:
Me: today you’re going to wear underwear instead of a diaper. And go on the toilet like a big boy. (I’m smiling encouragingly)
Him: I don’t want to!
Me: Well, you’re going to.
Him: I’ll take them off!
Me: Then you’ll be naked. (two can play this game buster!)
I put the underwear on and hid the diapers. He went upstairs and came back down naked from the waist down.
Me: okay, that’s your choice.
Him: I want a diaper!
Me: Nope. Go naked. Just remember…next year they won’t let you on the preschool bus with a diaper on. Or naked. It’s against the law. (slight stretch of the truth)
And that was it. He was pottytrained. I guess I just got the right motivation. That and he’d seen his sister pottytrain the year before. And he really wanted to ride that yellow bus to preschool instead of staying home with me and taking naps.
Great blogs. I’m a new fan.
PS- he’s 16 now. Still pottytrained. ;]
Mindy says
Good to know someone else uses the “against the law” technique. I have my son convinced that it’s against the law to cross a parking lot without holding my hand. I should try it with wearing diapers! Thanks for the reply and the compliment! =)
Danielle Wheeler says
I got lucky and my 3 year old started pooping on the toilet before naps and bedtime. Anything to delay going to sleep. It works for me. He also always had to have a book to read- otherwise he wouldn’t sit there long enough to even try to do his business. Really though- it’s all luck.