Anyone think there should be a holiday celebrating the end of a holiday? I believe most of mankind would benefit from a mandatory resting period beginning no later than the evening of December 25th, after the kids have been strapped down into bed, their bodies having begun withdrawal from 48 hours of sugar-induced hyperactivity. As part of the post-holiday holiday, parents would be strongly encouraged to drink lots of wine while soaking in bubbly bathtubs and listening to Michael Buble on their iPods. There would also be a choice of replacing wine with beer, bubble baths with football and La-Z-Boys and Michael Buble with, well, pretty much anything else. This will be an equal opportunity holiday and will last as long as necessary to restore a tiny bit of sanity to the world.
I know I could sure use the reprieve. This year has unequivocably been our busiest year yet in terms of Christmas preparedness and general jovial activities. The kids embraced the Christmas spirit with gusto and made what is already an enjoyable experience, magical. But, that “magic” comes at a dear price tag. Energy. Lots and lots of energy. I’ve been sucked dry.
I will have more details to come just as soon as my blood pressure comes down, my left-eye stops twitching and I regain my original vocabulary, which has since been taken over by words like “remember, Santa’s watching”, “our Christmas lights are fine, Avery” and “Jack, get off the Christmas tree!”
I hope you and yours are having a joyous holiday season!
I vote yes on the “mandatory rest”! sounds wonderful!!
Yes ma’am. Although, they say, “no rest for the weary.” Um…wouldn’t that be why the “weary”are “weary?” Seems pretty simple to me. π
I’ll third that holiday! Unfortunately, I’ve still got 2 more Christmases to go with the inlaws this week. God, please let it be over quick!
Here’s hoping your multitude of celebrations went well. π
I’m beat! I vote for a holiday to celebrate the end of the holidays!
Nice. Gathering support…. π
Do you not have Boxing Day where you live? Because in Canada, that IS the holiday to celebrate the end of the holidays.
Nope…no Boxing Day…but now I’m wholeheartedly contemplating petitioning the Guv’ment to recognize it. π
I’m all for stretching out holidays so a post holiday sounds perfect for that! I agree these days can be so stressful. Bring on Valentine’s (and chocolate)!