Hi folks! It’s me. Remember me? The suburban housewife? Blonde? Curly hair?
Anyhoo, I have made it out of the trenches of electronic warfare with flying colors and am back. Truthfully, with much credit handed out where it is deserved, Jeremy had my little Samsung netbook up and running late last week and was begging me to post something to redeem him after my scathing criticism of his character.
“And….wah lah! It’s fixed!”Jer said with much flourish to the whir of my freshly rebooted machine.
“Thanks, hon,” I answered, elbows deep in soapy water.
He waited.
“Yes, dear?”
“Um, aren’t you going to post something?” he asked.
I looked down at my ‘dishpan hands’ and answered, “I’m kind of busy here, Jer. I will get to it when I get a chance.”
“Yeah, but, everyone’s going to think I’m a big jerk if you don’t at least post that I fixed your netbook.” Geez. You want some cheese with that whine?
“Jer. Unless you want me to type with my toes you’re going to have to wait.”
“Okay. Just make sure you take care of that quickly,” Jer said, still unconvinced.
“Of course. I’ll take care of that as quickly as you took care of fixing my computer,” I answered sweetly. His eyes shot up with that sort of ‘deer in a headlights’ look, realization flooding his face.
“Well, then. I”m going to post a comment that I fixed it,” he said.
“You do that, sweetheart,” I answered. And he did.
A holiday weekend upon us,I fully intended to write up some amazing post announcing my return to the blogosphere and was getting ready to do just that when my daughter, Avery, shuffled into the kitchen, cheeks flushed a crimson red.
“Mom, I don’t feel very good.”
And, that aboutsums up my Memorial Day weekend.
We had a brief respite between Avery’s 103-degree fever and her brother’s 102-degree feverand were able to drive out to visit my parent’s campfire for the day and even managed to roast a s’more or two. But, the majority of our holiday was spent dosing out Tylenol, refluffing blankets, servingsnacks, breaking up remote control fights and starting new movies (ie: no time for blogging).
But now, the school week has started back up, Avery’s better despite a slight sore throat, and we are back in the swing of things. Jack still has a low-grade fever, but in true Jack spirit, is running around the house like a wild banshee. Yep, it’s promising to be a normal week.
Happy Tuesday all!
Lori @ In Pursuit of Martha Points says
Well, I for one, am glad you’re back! And I’ll give Jer all sorts of credit, since he sort of functions on the same timetable as MY husband and so I really do get it.
Welcome back!
amber says
glad to have you back!!!
I sure missed you and your scathing wit and humor!! so sorry your kiddos were sick though! hope you were still able to enjoy in a lovely LONG weekend!!
oh and way to go Jer for fixing the stupid thing!
Lawgirl says
Yikes!! So sorry that the kids were ill.
And I’m surprised that your hubby didn’t type up the post himself and ask you to post it. 😀
Fattie Fatterton/Lawgirl
christina says
Well, lets give Jer a little credit. Just a little.
I am glad you are back! I need my humor for the day. Please try to consider my feelings before your computer breaks again. LOL
Heather says
Thanks Jer! It did take a second to think “Now, what is that Surburan Housewife’s name? Oh yeah, MINDY!! LOL!
Glad to have ya back!
Soo sorry for the young’ens, it is awful to be sick.
Mindee@ourfrontdoor says
I am DELIGHTED that you are back.
I am not so delighted that Jer fixed your problem and my e-mail is still out. My husband is in SO much trouble now.
SuziCate says
Love that Jer posted a comment to redeem himself!!!! Sorry the kids were sick, bummer. But delighted you’re back online.
Angelia Sims says
All hail Jer the HERO! Hip, hip! Hooray!
Great to have you back. And what in the world? Is it not 100 degrees where you live? All the bugs should have evaporated by now.
Syd got out of school a few weeks ago. It’s been great!
tinkerschnitzel says
I’m glad you’re back online too! We miss you when you’re not here to brighten our dull days. 😀
Marly says
Glad you’re back! Sounds like it was a bad virus. Hope you didn’t lose too much. Looking forward to future posts!