Hello friends!
Welcome back to The Suburban Life!
Although I consider myself the possessor of a fairly optimistic soul I find that, at times, the impact of the world digs into that optimism and exposes my more vulnerable self to doubt, distrust and unease. I become a little less prone to hope and a lot more likely to question even the best of intentions. The most recent tragedy in Florida led me to pour my heart out and write a blog post that came from the very best place in me. But it also left me wanting to follow up with something a little less emotionally draining and much more lighthearted. Perhaps something that would settle deep into the spirit and produce a genuine upturn of the mouth muscles, leaving discouragement in its wake.
You see, it’s fairly easy to settle in on the negative. We’re inundated with it from news stories, blog posts, Facebook updates, tweets, (insert any super-techy social platform here). It seems in order to experience the brighter side of life we have to purposefully seek it out.
As scary and messed up as the world can be there is also SO much good. I want to take a little time to shine a nice bright white light on some of the more beautiful moments. I want to do my small part in tipping the balance towards positivity and away from the soul sucking negativity that seems to often win a wildly unfair societal popularity contest.
Today I will leave with you this little nugget of sweetness. Please inhale the beauty of this moment and allow it to penetrate. I truly believe light drives out darkness. Fill up with the light, friends.
Mindy, you and your posts are amazing! Keep up the great posts!!! Love you!! <3