Hi folks! Just your run-of-the-mill suburban mom here appealing to you to COME BACK! Now, I fully recognize that I’ve been M-I-A, that would be Missing in Action for you anti-acronym people. And if you are an anti-acronym person, I would have to ask “why?” And, to be honest, I am not entirely sure that there are anti-acronym people out there. But in my experience it’s pretty safe to assume there are anti-anything people out there. So I wanted to recognize you. You’re welcome.
I’ve been gone. Not posting. Not reading. Not commenting. I’ve been neglecting you all for quite some time now and I apologize. Yes, I’ve been busy. And, yes, life has been a little on the hectic side. But blogging has always served as a phenomenal diversion for me from my day-to-day grind of picking out Legos from the vacuum cleaner canister and wiping fruit leather remnants off of the sliding glass door. And I miss it. Immensely.
When I first started blogging, I can honestly say I had absolutely no idea what I was in for. I had been reading blogs for quite some time and had become healthfully addicted to quite a few. My husband was the one who encouraged me to start putting thoughts to computer screen, so to speak, touting the positive effects it would bring me. Although I remain convinced it was less for my own personal growth and more for his desire to shut me up, nevertheless, I began typing out my innermost musings and forgot, albeit temporarily, the stresses of my daily life. And I was hooked. Blogging became a way of both purging myself of mundane frustrations while simultaneously preserving some pretty funny memories (see: Potty Training Woes).
And along the way I “met” some pretty cool folks. My bloggy friends have enhanced my entire blogging experience because I now have proof that there are people out there who understand me. Okay, maybe “understand” is too big of a word. How about “make sense of me.” Too much? Um, well this is getting awkward. Okay, “tolerate.” I now have proof that there are people out there who can tolerate me and my sense of humor.
And I long for the days of all that toleration. It made me feel complete. It made me feel whole. It made me feel, well, tolerated.
So I am hoping to make a comeback. I am hoping to update my blog with a lot more regularity and stay in contact with you folks. I am hoping to rekindle my zeal for expressing my thoughts. I am hoping to yet again experience that Sally Fields’ moment, “You like me…you really like me.”
You do…don’t you? Come on folks! Save me from myself and give me another chance!
Keepin’ it real,
And I’ve missed you too but definitely understand that “real” life always takes precedence.
Thanks Mindee! π
Aw babe…no worries. We’re here!
Or, ok, well…I’m here!
Which perhaps is rather underwhelming.
I could hop up and down. Would that help?
Lori…I’m pretty sure you could NEVER be underwhelming. π
I have been around a lot less myself lately. Running out of blog energy.
You know, energy definitely comes in spurts, doesn’t it? π
First time reader, but I’m game. I’m not one to scroll thru blog histories and try to piece a story together, so I’ll just hang out here in bloggy land waiting to read what-cha got on your mind.
Thanks Tracy! I’ll be checking your blog out as well! π
I’ve always been here and I always will be π
Thanks Nonnie. π
Welcome back! Missed you π
Thanks Wendy! π
I have been here daily for you Min! I have missed the daily blog! Please come back we all miss you!
Awww…thanks Val! I’m a’gonna work on it. π
Of course we like you! Though, I’m beginning to wonder the same thing about my blog. Busy moms run the world, and unfortunately, vacation time is rare. π
Well, I’m back amongst the living and that includes visiting other awesome bloggers…like yourself!! π
Mindy!! oh how i’ve missed your posts! i was wondering what happened to you!!
hope you are back for good and ready to treat us to some giggles about the kiddos & Jer and to pour your heart out and get some love back!!!
we’ve missed you!
Thanks so much Amber! I’m also hoping I’m back for good. And I’m definitely taking the time to catch up on everyone else’s blogs! π