So yesterday I posted about how utterly relieved I am that school is starting soon. I still feel that way. Definitely. But I have another problem that public education is not going to solve for me. I touched on it briefly yesterday but I actually pondered this dilemma in detail while lying in bed last night (after watching “The Nanny” reruns, of course).
I’m getting rid of one. Sure. But what in the heck am I supposed to do with the other one?
School bus shows up and whisks my first grader away…like magic. Poof. She’s gone, under someone else’s tutelage for almost 7 hours. But I’m still left with the other one. See? I have to actually italicize the word, it’s so powerful.
I’ve been asking everyone I come into contact with, what do I do with the little guy? How do I keep him busy for 7 hours? Now, granted…as long as the stars are aligned and Santa reads my Christmas list…Jack SHOULD be taking a 2-3 hour nap every afternoon so that kills almost a third of my time alone with him. But what about the rest of the day, say, between 7:30a.m. and 1:00p.m.?
I shared my concerns with my husband the other day. These are his suggestions. “Take him to the park. He loves to play at the park. You should maybe take him on some walks or riding his scooter. He loves that.” I sat there, listening to his suggestions, outwardly agreeing with him but inwardly saying “Oh, yeah. Right. I’ll get right on that.”
You see, the problem is…confession time here…I’m not one of those “fun” moms. You know the type. Let me try and define it for you.
Fun Moms: Task-oriented maternal figure with an ultimate goal to provide both an educational and enjoyable experience for her children despite any discomfort or inconvenience to her day.
Me: The exact opposite.
Fun moms are the ones sitting in the middle of the mall at the kiddie play center watching, with pure delight written all over their perky faces, as their children socially interact with other children. Or, they’re the ones who schedule weekly sessions at the make-your-own pottery place focusing on enhancing their child’s creative tendencies.
They are not typically the ones feigning a “vision-debilitating headache” to avoid playing Barbie or Transformers. Or the ones who take their kids to Chuck E. Cheese because they can spend a blissful 75 minutes gossiping with their friends while ignoring the screams of 200 miscellaneous children and relying too much on the Kid Check Program to keep their kids safely inside the building.
Disclaimer: Sometimes I get a wild hair and morph into a fun mom…play makeover with Avery or build towers with Jack. However, these rare and unique occurrences are too far and few between to rely on with any amount of certainty that they will take place recurrently.
So, what do I do with a highly energized little man who will be demanding my every spare second?
I haven’t figured it out yet but I’m quickly running out of time. I guess there’s always Chuck E. Cheese. Did you know they serve beer there?
Love to all, Mindy
Jodi says
Laughing so loud right now. I am SO that same kind of mom. One time I thought I was really being creative when I decided to make a paper snowman out of cottonballs with Chris. The freakin’ glue got all over my kitchen table and I was so mad. I vowed never again will I do a craft project with my son unless it’s at the school and I won’t have to clean up the mess. I relied on movies to keep my kid busy, I know it’s not a very good parent that plops their child in front of the t.v. and says don’t move but I don’t really care. I have a suggestion…is it too early to introduce him to video games 🙂 luv ya!
Mindy says
Man, I’ve been working on the Nintendo DS with him but he just doesn’t get it yet. The day that he sits mindless in front of his video games will be the day where I breathe a big ol’ sigh of relief!
Lisa Eyre says
You can do what I did and join a gym with a good day-care. Mind you, I didn’t join to get in better shape, I joined so I could get a break from whoever it was that wasn’t in school yet! I would plan my day ever so carefully – school kid off, other kid in the car with me by 9:00 am – two hour work out (part of that I would read magazines – who can work out for two hours?) pick up kid from from day care at 11:00 – go home – fix lunch, NAP, then before you know it kid no. 1 is home!
Good luck….
Mindy says
Okay…that is sounding like a good plan. And maybe, if I’m lucky, I could lose a little weight. Sad to admit, but 2 hours on the treadmill actually sounds more appealing than 2 hours with Jack.
Thanks for the suggestion! =)
Leyla says
How about introducing him to the Wii games? You know the ones with interactive games, I don’t know what kind of games they have for little ones, but I’m sure they must! It’s not as bad as regular video games, because at least he’s being active, right? =)
Mindy says
I’ve been thinking about trying out some of those games. He’s not quite coordinated enough to play these games but I’m looking forward to the day!!! Thanks for the suggestion!
Sandee says
I can come by and visit! I will be dropping Chase off in your neighborhood and we can let Jack and Paige entertain eachother and we can hang out!!! =O)
Mindy says
PERFECT!!! Come on by!