Hello friends ~
It’s me. Remember? The blonde with curly hair? Writes sometimes? Got a job and fell off the face of the Earth?
So, it’s been a minute (or forty-thousand) since I’ve caught up with you folks. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to come up with something to share since my life lately has consisted of experiencing wafts of poorly disguised B.O in the middle school hallway and watching kids waste ungodly amounts of food in the cafeteria.
And then I thought, how about I share my thoughts on my job? Yep, I’m a genius.
Besides the aforementioned perks of the job, jumping back into the work world after 9 long years as a stay-at-home mom has been an exciting journey. So I thought I’d share some thoughts below. Here goes!
Top 5 Reasons I Love My EA Job
I mean. Can you believe I’ve been working at home for 9 years and haven’t made a single dime?! Unjust? Absolutely. Who knew people were willing to pay you to yell at kids? And I’ve been doing it for free for years. Man, all that lost potential. - YOU GET TO TALK TO ADULTS.
The quality of my daily conversations has drastically improved. Since my kids are in school all day, my conversations typically existed of exasperated backtalk to those annoying chicks on The View and the occasional “what’s my life about” check-in with the ever-napping Schweenie. Now I get to talk about how annoying kids are and stuff. With other people. - FRIDAY HAS A NEW MEANING.
Now, like most of the industrialized world, I track my progress to Friday with a renewed passion and purpose. Mama loves her Friday evening Happy Hour. (Real talk: I always have.) - I’M DIGGING THE HALLWAY HIGH-FIVES!
Kids are fun. And they do things like give you high-fives and ask “sup Mrs. H?” on their way to class. I dig it. - I GET TO HUG MY OLDEST EVERY DAY AT LUNCH
Since I have raised a pretty cool 13 year-old, I’m blessed to be able to give her a daily hug in the lunch room. And she’s not even rolling her eyes when she’s doing it! Admittedly, it’s pretty exciting to have an insider’s view on my kiddo in her natural environment. You learn a lot about your little human when you see them being all, human. And bonus! I also get to chitchat with my Teacher Sister and two of my nieces as well! And since none of them beeline away from me in the hallways, I’d call that a rousing success!
So there you have it. My job journey in a nutshell. It’s been quite the adjustment but such a fun one. I’ll be tucking all the memories I make over the next couple of months in my back pocket for safekeeping as I have no doubt there will be many.
Happy Friday!
congrats on the job Mindy, sounds like your having fun!
Thanks Lisa! Never a dull moment between 10:30 and 1:30. 🙂