Is it Monday already? I have never understood that question. In my whole history of histories I have never NOT known it was Monday. For every second of the forty bazillion seconds in a weekend (totally officiall number by the way) I am aware as each passes by. I can feel the impending Monday morning […]
Hello friends! Can we send the kids back to school yet?
Hi there gang! So, it’s been approximately 72 years since my last post. Not much has changed. I’m still a stay-at-home mom. My kids are still lovely. My hubby is still all up in my biz and working from home. I still live in the suburbs. And I’m still just this side of looney bin-bound. […]
The Outdoors…it ain’t my thang.
In honor of Spring and the gorgeous bounty of blossoms and foliage she affords us (or so I’m told) I thought I would address the ever-pressing thorn in my side, the hard truth I’ve come to realize and embrace. I hate the outdoors. I touched upon this subject here after experiencing a life-changing moment with […]
Costco (Where the Strong buy Batteries and the Weak buy…Everything?)
We’re all on a budget, right? These economic times have been rough on the lot of us and I’ve joined the ranks of the many trying to spend smarter/save wiser. Then why, oh why, would I continue to send my husband into that financial sinkhole more commonly known as Costco? Let me set the scene […]
Backyard Chickens…What?
I typically prefer my chicken wrapped up in cellophane and sporting a barcode. I’m real traditional like that. But my hubby decided that our suburban existence was missing a vital element. He felt the calling, people, and plunged head-first into what has become his new religion. That’s right. We’re chicken farmers. Farmers. Of chickens. In […]
Hanging my head in shame…
Hello friends. Am I still allowed to call you that? Do we need to go through that awkward ‘get to know each other’ phase again? I have been absent for a very long time. In fact, in blogger’s terms, you could say a lifetime has passed since my last post. Even truer, in Mindy’s terms […]
lia sophia jewelry anyone?
Hi folks! Today’s post is serving the purpose of FULL DISCLOSURE to my readers. I am now an Independent Sales Advisor for lia sophia jewelry. There, I said it. I was kind of nervous. Like “OMG, do you think he likes me?” kind of nervous. Remember that high school feeling? That little niggling tickle in […]
Holy Shrimp! It’s 2012!
To borrow from my 5 year-old’s ever growing vocabulary, Holy Shrimp! Can anyone believe that it is now the 12th year in the 21st millennium? I mean, come on! 2012?!? I remember growing up in the 80s and getting my jam on to Prince’s “1999” while trying to imagine what the world would look like […]
It’s All Starting to Make Sense…
Since accepting the position as the Head-Lady-In-Charge around these parts I have been forced to realize some truths: 1) Stay-at-home mom = easy access to food pantry and Cheez Its… All. Day. Long. 2) Stay-at-home mom = growing collection of yoga pants. 3) Stay-at-home mom = slight addiction to online shopping. 4) Stay-at-home mom = […]
Holy Slacker, Batman!!
Hello my friends! It is I, your resident “slacker” blogger. I’m not going to say that I can’t believe that it’s been almost a month since my last post. Because I can believe it. Every time I walk past my computer and say to myself, “Why are you not writing anymore?” and then continue to […]