Well, did you survive the holiday? Are you still knee-deep in a tryptophan-induced coma? Are you leaking pumpkin from your pores? Oh…is that just me? How embarassing.
We had a wonderful Thanskgiving this year withturkey a’plenty and all the fixin’s. But even more important than that was the fellowship between family and friends. Oh, and the sweet potato bake. That was pretty important. Wait. I can’t forget my sister’s homemade rolls. Very important. Okay, so there were lots of important things now forcing me to spend some one-on-one time with Richard Simmons this next week.
So, now that all the hubub of Thanskgiving preparedness is over it is now time for Black Friday. It is now time to spend way more money than I was ever planning to because the crap’s on sale. “Oh, my God. They have 400-count packs of Pez dispensers on sale. It’s a value pack. We always need Pez dispensers.” Or, “Hold the phone, people! They have a special edition Jon Bon Jovi wall clock. And it’s on sale. Well, I’m picking that up.’
My sisters and I have alway shopped Black Friday but have never been those nutjobs lined up outside the Walmart at 2:00a.m.
Until now.
Okay, so it’s not Walmart and it’s not 2:00a.m. But it is Toys ‘r Us, and it is Midnight. That’s right. You heard me. MIDNIGHT. I’m that nutjob. And to be honest, I don’t even know why we’re heading out for that super-duper early bird sale.
People get crazy at these doorbuster moments. A few years back my sister-in-law and I joined a hoard of men standing outside ahome improvement store to pick up some super cheap items for the hubbies. As the doors rolledopen themass moved through the opening and with each inch we progressed the more hysterical people got.Icould hear some of these men audibly giggling at the sight of yellow signs withslashed-through prices and bins full of dollar tools.One man, andI usethe term loosely, apparently thought that Iwas taking a teensy bit too much time and rammed his cart into the back of my heels. Now, what the poor soul didn’t realize because he was standing behind me was that I was about 6 months pregnant atthe time, and if you had readyesterday’s post you will already know that I was notthe most emotionally stablepregnant chick. I gave the fool the benefit of the doubt by believing that he “accidentally” ran into me the first time. I was wrong. He pushed that cart into my ankles again and surrounded by agaggle of hyper men I turned around, faced the fool and proceeded to kick the front of his cart so hard thathis “weapon” backfired and knocked him in his own shins. I gave him a look that said, “Touch me with that damn cart again, moron, and your shins won’t be the only body partbruised.”Oddly,after turning a corner I never saw the man again.I thought I saw him standing with a security guard but I can’t be sure.
So, I am heading out to Toys ‘r Us, a veteran ofBlack Friday brutality, armed forlunacy. Wish me luck. Moreover, wish some luck on the poor fool who gets a little antsy with his shopping cart. I’m wearing my heavy-duty boots.
Last I heard my sister was still standing in line waiting to check out at the Toys R Us. I have only been black Friday shopping once, and while I got a great deal on some sweaters, I’m just not patient enough to deal with the masses. Good luck with the black Friday shopping at Toys R Us!
Man, I guess Toys R Us was where it’s at! I am learning that I am also not of the patient variety…I’m also learning there are a bunch of wingnuts out there! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!! =)
I am definitely getting the notion that those are steel toed boots. I have full confidence of your survival now, but still think you’re INSANE! Black Friday is scary!
Ah…you got it sistah! And Black Friday is scary…and so not worth it. I think I finally learned my lesson this year. However, I did not get into any minor altercations, so that’s a bonus! =)
A man ramming his cart into a lady? Now, that would have set me on fire. He is lucky I wasnt there to see it. I cant believe that. (actually I can but it really offends my southern sensibilities) You are brave girl. I went shopping one time on Black Friday, only once, never again,the end.
I know, right? It also offended my hubby’s southern sensibilities. Although, he was a little more concerned about whether I’d managed to pick up his Fat Max measuring tape for a buck or not. Nice. =)
You should have turned around and feigned labor pains. I can’t believe the gall of that guy. I am not very fond of shopping under normal conditions, so I know I couldn’t handle it on a day like black Friday. But I do enjoy reading or hearing stories from others. My cousin combs the ads and maps out her route to get the best deals and she is on a schedule when she’s out. She gets some great deals. I hope you got some good deals and that you returned without any bruises to show for it!
Oh, labor pains. That would have been awesome! Although, in truth, I think I was more concerned with not landing myself in the pokey. =)
Mo and I used to do the whole Black Friday thing. Then, like the crazy chicas we are, we would both go to work. Retail. Yeah, I still can’t believe it either. Although she did it again this year only opposite. She worked on Black Friday. Retail. And then went shopping. And called me (where I was cozily ensconced on my couch) and told me what great sales they were and picked up stuff for me. That rocked.
But really? Why brave the crowds anymore? You can get almost the same deals online. Without the crazies, the long lines, and in your jammies. Seriously, sometimes I wonder why I leave my house at all…
So, you’re saying that shopping the brick ‘n mortars on Black Friday in your jammies is a bad idea? God. I wish someone would have told me. =)
Some how I missed this post, I thought I had gotten to everyone. Sorry.
I can’t be believe my eyes! I actually know some one crazy enough to participate in the Black Friday masses.
You’ve got gumption, I’ll give you that. I would never and I mean never have enough nerve to sit outside all night.
You go girl!
Yeah, it ended up being pretty anti-climactic and I was back in my bed before the frost set in. I realized something about myself this year…the slashed prices just ain’t worth it. Next year I’m sleeping in! =)
(still catching up)
I worked in retail, 3rd shift at Walmart to be exact. Every year, I was at work the night before/morning of Black Friday. I saw the idiots lining up at midnight for the 20 computers/tvs/cameras/whatever else that were on sale at limited quantities. Black Friday shoppers, IMO, are the lowest of low people on the planet. The things they’ll do to “get ahead” are appalling.
Personally, I don’t set foot outside the house unless it’s a freakin’ emergency! You’re a better woman than I am, that’s for sure! 🙂
I completely agree with everything you said, and you working in retail would certainly know! There is this frantic mood that sets in and people lose all reason. The stores don’t help either by amping up the hysteria with their *limited quantities* junk.
And as for being a “better woman?” Glutton for punishment…not better. =)