Things are starting to get a teensy bit looney in this house. We’ve been on Christmas break for a week and a half, we’ve celebrated the holiday with a whole lot of gusto and are now anticipating one overly long night to ring in theNew Year.
I, for one, am quite ready for this whole “holiday” season to move on with itself. I will say, it’s been really nice not having to wake Avery up for school every morning, facing the wrath that can be her if she hasn’t had enough sleep. In fact, if truth be told, I’ve also been sleeping in a little longer than usual in the mornings. Jer? Well, he has been keeping his same schedule of ‘go to bed late and wake up late, stumble to the computer in his underwear, sit at said computer attempting to read the monitor with his 20/400 vision while his glasses sit but feet away from him’ while I run around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to please the every whim of my children. Okay, not every whim. Realistically, I don’t even attempt a good 2/3rds. But, you get the picture, right?
Well, this morning was slightly different. Apparently the universe aligned or the Earth was sprinkled with some sort of alien “generosity” powder because Jer decided to make the bed, once he crawled out of it, late (emphasis added) this morning.
And here’s what I walked in to see.
Do you notice anything, say, slightly off? Like, in a vertical/horizontal directional kind of way?
Yeah. Me, too. I stood in front of that bed for a good 5 minutes trying to understand. What would possess this man to think that this looked right? Now, I’m not being all Type “A” control freak, here. I definitely appreciated the break in my normal routine. But, I’m honestly flummoxed. Did he look at his finished product and say, “Nice job, Jer. Looks perfect.” Or, did he look at it and say, “Oh, sh$@. Oh, well. She probably won’t notice.” I think this is part of that Man DNA I’ve posted about prior. I’m very scared to admit that I think he honestlydidn’t notice that the stripes are going in completely opposite directions. In all actualityI think it looked just fine to him.
And men are predominantly running the world? Hmm.
The insanity does not stop with Jer. The other one with boy parts is suffering from it too. I walked into the living room the other day only to find him brushing the dog, Lewis. At first I thought this was very cute. Sweet, even. Until I noticed one very important factor. He wasn’t using the dog brush.
“Jack. Whose brush are you using?’ I asked, trying to locate the brush entangled in the dog’s poodle hair.
“Oh. It’s jus a brush,” he answered, continuing his styling.
“I see that, dude. Whose is it?”
“Um, oh, it’s mine.” Those bristles are shining up the dog’s hair like nobody’s business. Gross. Not to mention, the dog is looking at me like I’ve failed him miserably.
“Jack. You can’t use your brush on Lewis. He has his own brush. Lewis’hair isn’t as clean as yours, okay? So we don’t use our brushes. Okay?” I ask.
“Sure, mommy. Okay.” He pulls his hairbrush out of Lewis’ poor hair, hands it to me and leaves the roomafter which I proceed to begin a rigorous sanitization session. I finish up and head out to grab some laundry.
Moments later, I come back into the living room and find Jack brushing Lewis. Again. Lewis turns to look at me, the question, “How could you?” unspoken but unmistakable.
“Jack! That’s not a dog brush! I told you not to use your brush.”
“I not. Dis one’s not my brush,” he answers, methodically brushing through each strand of doggy hair.
“Whose is it then?” I ask.
“Oh. Dis one is Avie’s. It’s fine,” he says, vigorously brushing as if he senses that any second his sister’s brush will be ripped from his sneaky little fingers. Smart kid.
So, as you can see, we’re all getting a little stir crazy around here. Too many self-indulgent festive moments make for some pretty looney behavior. We’re ready for some kind of “normal” to set in…and until that happens, I’m making my own bed and keeping the hair brushes under lock and key. Oh, and Lewis is still giving me the cold shoulder.
The brush thing makes me cringe. Sounds like something one of mine would do. As far as the bed goes – just flip the pillow and go on your way, making sure to tell Jer thank you. This is how I’ve learned to do it when my dear hubby makes the bed (or sometimes my boy!). It’s easier. 🙂
Oh, trust me. I thanked Jer profusely. One pillow to turn over is a much less involved process than making the whole bed. Don’t want to scare him off! I’m still curious how the man’s brain works, though! =)
Those stripes are WRONG. But you’re right – he probably didn’t even notice. At least he made the bed! Baby steps Mindy. Baby steps.
Yes, baby steps. For both of us. =)
I agree with everyone else…just flip the pillow and thank him. I mean men can’t be perfect or they’d be women, right?? Sometimes their attempts at help can be very frustrating.
As for Jack…you better watch that one. And guard the toothbrushes, lord knows what he’d do with them!!
Wishing you “normalacy” in the New Year,
Yep. I did thank him, a whole lot. In fact, he was a little extra proud of himself that day.
And you’re right…Jack’s the one to really be watching around here! And, God. I didn’t even think about the toothbrushes. I’m going to go boil them for 3 hours. =)
hahahaha! that is so something my fiance would do! he probably didn’t notice!
Love that he made the bed though. I always get giddy when mine does it!!
as for the dog brushing…..all i can do is giggle and cringe!
no worries – your’s arent the only loopy ones my family is going stir crazy as well….numerous days in your pj’s will do that to you i guess! 😉
Yep, and he honestly never noticed on his own. When I pointed it out, just to see what he would say, he answered, “Oh….yeah. Wow. I didn’t even pay attention to the fact that they’re stripes.” We’ve only had those pillows for about 5 years now. =) Gotta love ’em.
Okay…I must be a moron, cause I didn’t notice that pillow till you mentioned it. I thought is was that the curtains were missing or the blinds were opened! LOL!
Yeah Jer! Now if only my hubby would pick up on this. The only time he makes his bed is when we are going to have company or if I ask him to.
Not a moron, Heather, just less type “A” than I. =) And, Jer has actually made the bed a couple of more times since then. Could this be the beginning of something new? Or…maybe he wants something. Hmm… =)
I have never actually seen a man make a bed except a gay friend of mine. Wouldnt know what to make of it.
Brushing the dog with the people brush? THAT IS HILARIOUS, sorry but it is.
See? Imagine my shock value when I walked in the bedroom to find the bed made…without me being all “harpy wife” on him. Crazy. And, yes. The brush incident was funny, but a bit unsettling. What else has he groomed the dog with? Yikes. =)
I swear, I have more male DNA than female DNA, ’cause I had to read on and on and on until I realized what was wrong with that picture. Even then, I just looked at it and went, “yeah, oh well, at least it’s ON the bed”. LOL My hubby is so much better at making the bed than I am, too. The way I look at it, nobody will see it, and it’s just gonna get messed up later that day anyway, so why bother? I can still remember looking at my parents like they had 9 heads when they forced me to make my bed … what’s the point?
You may rescind our friendship after this 😉 , but I have to ask … what’s wrong with using a hairbrush on the dog? I mean, besides the obvious, that it’s not going to get the job done properly. Is the dog that disgusting? And if so, why is he even allowed in the house? I can remember using my dog’s brush in a pinch, when I couldn’t find mine (hurt like hell, but my hair wasn’t in knots anymore! LOL).
You’re too funny! Friendship still in tact, I’ll tell you why it’s wrong to use the hairbrush on the dog. Simply, because it grosses me out. And, no. He’s not disgusting. In fact, he’s pretty clean. I just don’t want to share my brush with him. Thus, the fact that he has his own. I’m weird like that. =)
I agree with the pillow thing, but the only thing I could think is: hey, he got the pillows on the bed…and they didn’t look thrown on in a haphazardly manner. That’s impressive. My husband handles the “decorative” pillows as if they might be leftovers from toxic waste spill cleanups. I have to confess it is such a relief to read that others have the same experience. I just like it soo much when I come home from work and the bed is made (including decorative pillows). Feels like all is right with the world…
Ah, yes. It is a good feeling. And my hubby is the same way with the decorative pillows. He thinks they are a waste of space and time. So I was kind of shocked he even included them! And trust this, I gave him plenty of gratitude, hoping he’d keep it up. He hasn’t, but there’s still hope in the world. =)