I woke up this morning to a beautiful sight. And let me tell you in advance that the snoring man lying next to me with his opened mouth resting against my newly washed pillowcase was NOT it.
Nay, I woke up to a tiny version of a Winter Wonderland. Delicate little ice crystals dancing in the trees, pillows of white fluff lining the tops of fences and scattered amongst the frozen blades of grass. Nowhere near enough to build a decent snowman but plenty to look at and adore.
I love snow.
There is something about the white stuff that makes my heart palpitate (although the 4 cups of coffee I’ve inhaled could also have something to do with that.) I’m not sure if it’s the memories of days long gone by, sitting by the window, hoping and praying that enough snow would accumulate to keep the school doors closed. Or if it’s remembering frozen fingers and toes tingling back to life in front of the wood stove, gloves and wool socks hanging to dry, while mom whipped up some quick batches of hot cocoa. Or it could be, as a mom, witnessing my kid’s giggle with excitement at the potential activities of the day should we experience even more of this delightful frozen precipitation.
For all the reasons above and more, snow is magical.
I live in the Pacific Northwest where rain reigns supreme (some alliteration…take that 11th grade English teacher!). It is not uncommon for our December and January months to be full of soggy mornings, afternoons and evenings. But our mountains, we are kind of known for our beautiful mountains. And they have been begging for more snow. We’ve had somewhat unseasonably cold weather and clear days as of late which has sparked up the “man I hope it snows” mantra in most of us. And until this morning we’ve been sorely disappointed.
But this morning Mother Nature has blessed us with a skiff of a promise. There just may be some real snow in our future. And I need to head to the grocery store to stock up on some hot cocoa!
Happy Monday!
My favorite part was always being wrapped in warm towels, drinking mom’s hot cocoa while our clothes dried. Best memories ever – thanks Mom!!
There is nothing like snow, or bright sun to cheer the spirits. I love the quiet lull of the house while the kids are out tromping around the neighborhood, then the whole place is filled with rosey-cheeked kids, pilled with boots and dripping with wet gloves. I love snow!