And it’s Monday. I can’t believe how quickly the weekend goes. I remember backwhen I was a working girl (not THAT kind of working girl…gaw…although I totally would have been a Julia Roberts-typeand not her annoying co-prostitute/roommate, Kit). It seemed the week would creep along at a punishingly slow pace. I would gaze at the […]
Hey Lady! Where’d you go?
You know, when I started this blog forty-hundred years ago I recognized immediately how much I love writing. The subsequent pouring out of blog posts was definitely proof of that. You couldn’t stop me. I was a writing machine. Ideas poured from my soul like lemonade from a pitcher on a sultry summer day. (See? […]
Let the Soccer Begin!
Picture it: Numerous sets of banged up knees running chaotically through a field of grass, the object of their one-track minded goal bouncing back and forth from ankle to ankle. The buzz of excitement over any potential contact with said object is palpable to those watching this familiar dance. And then picture this: On the […]
Costco (Where the Strong buy Batteries and the Weak buy…Everything?)
We’re all on a budget, right? These economic times have been rough on the lot of us and I’ve joined the ranks of the many trying to spend smarter/save wiser. Then why, oh why, would I continue to send my husband into that financial sinkhole more commonly known as Costco? Let me set the scene […]
Hanging my head in shame…
Hello friends. Am I still allowed to call you that? Do we need to go through that awkward ‘get to know each other’ phase again? I have been absent for a very long time. In fact, in blogger’s terms, you could say a lifetime has passed since my last post. Even truer, in Mindy’s terms […]
Snow…it’s about durned time!
I woke up this morning to a beautiful sight. And let me tell you in advance that the snoring man lying next to me with his opened mouth resting against my newly washed pillowcase was NOT it. Nay, I woke up to a tiny version of a Winter Wonderland. Delicate little ice crystals dancing in […]
Holy Shrimp! It’s 2012!
To borrow from my 5 year-old’s ever growing vocabulary, Holy Shrimp! Can anyone believe that it is now the 12th year in the 21st millennium? I mean, come on! 2012?!? I remember growing up in the 80s and getting my jam on to Prince’s “1999” while trying to imagine what the world would look like […]
Well, Hello there!
Hi folks! I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve checked in but it’s been a very full month. I’m sure that any of you with small, living extensions of yourselves can certainly understand. It’s Back to School month and with that comes all kinds of responsibilities that were somehow pushed to the back […]
Alright…so this is why I do it.
In case you’ve been following my blog you’ve probably heard me whine a little (okay, a whole lot) about my unpaid stay-at-home mom job. To quickly recap: I love my kids and feel grateful that I get to be home with them…but I sometimes question whether I had a lapse in sanity when I made […]
How Much Freedom Should We Give our Kids?
I remember it was a warm and sunny summer day with just enough clouds to make it as pretty as a postcard. I was perched on the back of a neighbor kid’s motorcycle whipping around his property without a care in the world. The wind was rushing through my hair adding a cool reprieve to […]