You know, when I started this blog forty-hundred years ago I recognized immediately how much I love writing. The subsequent pouring out of blog posts was definitely proof of that. You couldn’t stop me. I was a writing machine. Ideas poured from my soul like lemonade from a pitcher on a sultry summer day. (See? Even with the poetic similes I can’t help myself!) My point here is, I loved it. Couldn’t get enough.
And then, I burned out. I suddenly began to dread what had become such an important part of my day. My creative-thinking hat was off. The ideas weren’t even trickling out. My pitcher was bone-dry. The very minute that writing became a job, so-to-speak, I somewhat quit. Apparently I’m anti-employment, much to dear hub’s chagrin.
No longer feeling the desire to write daily, I started just blogging when I darn well felt like it. Like a rogue. A renegade. A saloon girl. No? Anyway, I’m discovering that I actually miss the commitment of consisitent blogging a bit. Considering that my status as Chief Operating Officer of my house dictates that the majority of my deadlines revolve around soccer practices and double coupon day at Safeway I kind of valued the blog as my escape from the occasionally mundane flow of daily life.
So here I am.
Quick Update:
1) Hubby still works from home.
2) Hubby still occasionally wears pajamas all day.
3) Hubby still pisses me off when he wears pajamas all day.
4) Dear daughter, Avery, is in 4th grade.
5) Dear son, Jack, is in Kindergarten (and they are apparently going to let him stay, yay!)
6) I still stay home and coordinate all the chaos.
7) I still love CheezIts. And Vodka.
I thank you in advance for the warm welcome back, friends. I am excited to get back to writing, reading other blogs, sharing some product reviews with you folks, potentially introducing some vlogs into the mix and most importantly, reconnecting with all of you.
So happy to see you back! I attempted to blog every day this month. I made it like a week and a half. It is hard to find the time to do it, and sometimes, it feels like “wasted time” but…I also spent some time reading thru my old posts (talk about wasted time…) and literally laughed at loud at things I’d completely forgotten happened.
I look forward to more of your posts! ( :
When I first began blogging I was posting EVERY DAY. It just poured out of me like some tidal wave of writing that had to get out! And then the tidal wave turned into a tiny little trickle. So I can totally relate to what you are going through! I still try to post three times a week and it can be very very hard! Coming from