I remember the first time I realized that Avery had started dreaming. One morning I was standing in the kitchen making breakfast when Avery toddled out from bed, her tiny little 3 year-old body hunched over from an obvious fretful night of sleep. “What’s up little lady?” I asked. “Where’s all my bayoons?” Avery asked,looking […]
A new stage…
Have I ever told you how I feel about naps? I love them. No, I need them. I think a good nap can really change your entire perspective on your day. Not ready to fold the laundry? Take a nap. Can’t face putting the dishes away? Take a nap. Can’t commit to filling out your […]
I’m Living the Life
Just another day in this suburban household, and like most others, it’s been eventful. I’ve taken particular notice of the fact that Jack, my 3 year-old, is growing more and more curious the older he gets, thus causing my day to swerve in all different directions. It’s nothing, if not interesting, tobe the co-pilot to […]
A new situation
In the event that you are a (somewhat) regular reader of my humble little blog than you are undoubtedly already aware that I have an incredibly sweet, adorable if not head-bangingly frustrating three-year old son, Jack. And in the duration of his short time here on Earth I’ve experienced pretty interesting situations with this kid, […]
Quite a day
Unfortunately, Jack woke up this morning a much sicker little boy. His temperature hasn’t gotten too high (yet) but his energy level has plummeted and he has spent the entire morning laying on the couch drifting in and out of sleep. On most days I am pulling him out from under Avery’s bed, removing fingernail […]
I found myself defending my choices to a first-grader
Prepare yourself to be very impressed by my obvious uber-generous personality and willingness to sacrifice myself for the greater good. Are you ready? Okay…I volunteer for 90 minutes every week in my daughter’s first grade class. I know. My propensity for servitude knows no bounds. (Sarcasm intended.) And this Thursday during my weeklymission for mankind […]
My baby boy is 3 years old!
As I write this I am watching my now 3-year old race around the house chasing after his brand-new monster truck remote control car. There is pure joy on his little handsome face and unbridled excitement quivering through his tiny little body. It makes me a little sick to my stomach. Here’s why: 1) I’m […]
“Mom, can I have a snack?”
This has got to be the most frustrating statement to be uttered out of the mouths of either one of my babes. It starts like this. “Mom, I’m full,” as Avery and Jack look at me from their reserved spaces at the dinner table,barely a discernible drop of food touched on their plates. Me: “You […]
Alright…so this is why I do it.
In case you’ve been following my blog you’ve probably heard me whine a little (okay, a whole lot) about my unpaid stay-at-home mom job. To quickly recap: I love my kids and feel grateful that I get to be home with them…but I sometimes question whether I had a lapse in sanity when I made […]
Labor of Love
Since today is Labor Day, and I don’t <ahem> have “official”employment to speak of I thought I would celebrate those dedicated laborers whodon’t qualify for bonuses or raises, aren’t eligible for promotions and are lucky to even get a coffee break. Parents! Okay, so we get Mother’s Day and Father’s Day as official holidays, but […]