I’m pretty sure my soon-to-be 3 year old is missing his eardrums. That has to be it. That is the only plausible reason for why he seems to be unable to hear me. Day in and day out he asks me a question, I answer, he asks me again, I answer, he asks me again, […]
I love moments like these…part deux.
My daughter, Avery, has borrowed her dad’s iPod while playing outside. I hear her come in and run to her room rifling through her things. I pay it no mind as she does this about forty-seven hundred times throughout any given day. I mean, she’s six. What else does she have to do? But then […]
Unexplained Phenomenon: Dads are Invisible?
Okay…I havea question. I’m almost certain I am NOT the first person to ask this question. In fact, I’m sure this question has come up in many different ways followingall kinds of different scenarios, in turn, brewing anger and resentment. Here it is… Why…oh….why…are our children only able to see mothers? It’s like they have […]
Suggestions please…How to Keep a Little Boy Busy
So yesterday I posted about how utterly relieved I am that school is starting soon. I still feel that way. Definitely. But I have another problem that public education is not going to solve for me. I touched on it briefly yesterday but I actually pondered this dilemma in detail while lying in bed last […]
I love moments like these…
I am absolutely not kidding when I say that I am sitting here on my couch, looking out my picture window into the backyard and watching my almost 3 year old son, Jack, trying desperately to pull his pants off and pee into his wading pool. Man, I wish I had that kind of determination. […]
Punishing your kid…with your other kid.
Okay, I need to ask a question.Do you have kids?Do they, at times, annoy the hell out of you? Do you, at times, need ways tokeep them busy so you can actually get something done with your day? If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the aforementioned questions then ponder this next question for me […]