After our arduous trek through the wilderness to obtain our Halloween pumpkins we came home with the intent of butchering the little dudes. We set them out on the table to admire our amazing gourd-picking skills and began mentally sketching out the perfect faces. “Whatddya think kids?” Jer asked, butchering tools in hand. This is […]
I’m not a “Crafter”
Have you ever noticed that the Christmas holiday brings with it the expectation that all those who celebrate will do so with creativity and imagination? There are cookies to bake, Christmas cards to craft, gingerbread houses to construct and candy to make. Your neighbors are decorating their front porches with wreaths and adorable little candy […]
Christmas Tree…an Update
Well, the tree went up yesterday and today was the day for decorating! I always look forward to this part of the holiday season because I think there is such joy in sorting through ornaments of past and present. The kids love hearing stories about each ornament and then creating their own stories as we […]
It’s tree time, folks!
It’s a banner day in this suburban household. We set up the Christmas tree, finally. Jack has now agreed to give up his attachment to all things Halloween and has excitedly embraced the season of holly and evergreen. Okay, not so much evergreen as an imitation of evergreen. Yes, that’s right. We’re the faux-Christmas tree […]