Okay, I need to ask a question.Do you have kids?Do they, at times, annoy the hell out of you? Do you, at times, need ways tokeep them busy so you can actually get something done with your day? If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the aforementioned questions then ponder this next question for me […]
What in the Hell was I Thinking? SAHM Woes…
Well, you asked for it so here it is. A glimpse inside my brain…an understanding of my soul…a glance into my psyche…Okay, so you really didn’t ask but I feel a need to talk about it so just deal with it! As I explained in my first entry, I am a stay-at-home mom. (AKA: stay-at-home […]
Welcome to thesuburbanlife.com!
Okay, so here it is. The “Here I Am”. The “Get to Know Me”. The “Who in the Hell Do I Think I Am That Anyone Would Want to Read About Me?” My very first entry! I am a thirty-something mother of two kids and a happily married woman of 9 years. I have a […]